Our solutions range from a single PLC/SCADA system to highly redundant distributed control and safety shutdown systems, seamlessly integrated with plant information management, maintenance management, manufacturing execution and enterprise resource planning systems.
An all-in-one solution such as IDENT Integrated Process Information & Control System allows you to monitor and control all your processes on one platform. With our in-depth understanding of industry processes and our competitive technical capabilities, we adopt latest technology to deliver leading-edge process automation and information solutions that are specifically designed to enhance your operations and workflow in real time.
Flexible, scalable, powerful: The innovative distributed control system
IDENT unique scalable architecture with powerful engineering tools and a wide variety of functions, all of which can be integrated seamlessly into your existing environment.
The system enables you to respond swiftly to constantly changing market environments. Integrated safety concepts ensure continuous operations of your system, man, machine and environment.
With expert domain knowledge, we offer high system availability, investment security and future-safe technology, together with reduced total cost of ownership.